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作者:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站时间:2024-10-14 17:34 次浏览


Facebook is on the verge of launching its cryptocurrency next year, reports the BBC. Internally the currency is known as “Glo...

本文摘要:Facebook is on the verge of launching its cryptocurrency next year, reports the BBC. Internally the currency is known as “GlobalCoin,” and the project itself is known as “Project Libra.”据英国广播公司报导,Facebook将要在明年发售加密货币。

Facebook is on the verge of launching its cryptocurrency next year, reports the BBC. Internally the currency is known as “GlobalCoin,” and the project itself is known as “Project Libra.”据英国广播公司报导,Facebook将要在明年发售加密货币。在行业内部,货币被称作“GlobalCoin”,该项目本身被称作“天秤座项目”。

However, it’s not known if either of these names will be used as the currency’s name when it debuts to the public.但是,目前尚能不确切这些名称中否有一个会在向公众发售时用于货币名称。Facebook seems to be in advanced stages of planning the cryptocurrency, as the BBC reports that Mark Zuckerberg himself met with the Bank of England’s governor Mark Carney to discuss the opportunities and risks of launching a cryptocurrency.Facebook或许正处于计划加密货币的高级阶段,因为英国广播公司报导马克扎克伯格本人会见了英国央行行长马克卡尼,辩论启动加密货币的机会和风险。Facebook has also sought advice on regulatory and operational issues from the U.S. Treasury Department, suggesting the company’s cryptocurrency plans are in the end stages.Facebook还向美国财政部谋求有关监管和运营问题的建议,似乎该公司的加密货币计划已转入最后阶段。Facebook is also reportedly in talks with money transfer firms like Western Union, as it hopes to find cheaper and faster ways for people without bank accounts to send money abroad.据报导,Facebook也正在与西联汇款等账户公司进行谈判,因为它期望为没银行账户的人寻找更加低廉,更加快捷的方式向国外汇款。

Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook is also already in talks with some online merchants to accept the currency as a valid form of payment when it launches.本月早些时候,“华尔街日报”报导,Facebook也在与一些在线商家进行谈判,以便在发售时将该货币作为有效地的缴付方式。Of course, anyone who follows cryptocurrencies will know that virtually anyone can launch their own coin–it doesn’t take a company with the power or money of Facebook to do so.当然,任何追随加密货币的人都会告诉,完全任何人都可以发售自己的硬币 - 这并会让享有Facebook权力或资金的公司这样做到。

But they’ll also know that cryptocurrencies are notoriously volatile. The coins can be riding high one day, and crashing the next. The BBC says Facebook is hoping to get around this volatility with its cryptocurrency by pegging it to a basket of established currencies, including the Japanese yen, the euro, and the U.S. dollar.但他们也不会告诉加密货币是众所周知的不平稳因素。硬币可以在一天内被炒得很高,然后下一秒拼命暴跌。英国广播公司回应,Facebook期望通过将加密货币与一篮子现有货币(还包括日元,欧元和美元)挂勾来解决问题这种波动现象。

本文关键词:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站,半岛·体育(BOB)中国官方网站,BOB SPORTS

