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作者:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站时间:2024-10-05 17:34 次浏览


Fake apps are posing a growing threat to unsuspecting mobile phone users, the Beijing Times reported Tuesday. The fake apps c...

本文摘要:Fake apps are posing a growing threat to unsuspecting mobile phone users, the Beijing Times reported Tuesday. The fake apps come installed with malicious software that can track private data.根据新京报周二报导,山寨应用于正在日益威胁着没什么牵制的手机用户。

Fake apps are posing a growing threat to unsuspecting mobile phone users, the Beijing Times reported Tuesday. The fake apps come installed with malicious software that can track private data.根据新京报周二报导,山寨应用于正在日益威胁着没什么牵制的手机用户。据报,这些“山寨”应用于植入了需要追踪隐私数据的恶意软件。A woman named Li said her mobile phone was flooded with pop-up advertisements after she installed a fake game app that looked authentic.一名姓李的女士回应,在加装了一款看起来是盗版的“山寨”游戏应用于后,她的手机就不会插入各种广告。

Li said her phone became slower and that many new apps were secretly installed. In several days she had used all her data, which had normally lasted for a month.李女士说,之后她的手机运营速度就不会减慢,还不会被偷偷地加装许多新的应用于。几天的时间之内,她用光了所有的流量,而这原本是能用一个月的。An IT technician checked the phone and said the app had installed viruses that wore down Lis phone.一名技术人员检查了这部手机并回应,该应用程序早已加装了病毒并反击了李小姐的手机。

Fake apps also hurt the interests of a mobile game developer surnamed Liu. He said he invested nearly one million yuan ($153,000) in designing a game and received 1,000 downloads per day. However, at least seven fake apps quickly appeared, eating away at his market share. I was almost bankrupt because of pirated software, Liu said.“山寨”应用程序也伤害了手机游戏APP开发者刘先生。他回应,自己投资将近百万元,研发了一款游戏APP,每日下载量多达1000次。但是,最少有七个假应用程序很快经常出现,蚕食了他的市场份额。

刘先生说道:“盗版软件坑得我倾家荡产了。”A report by Qihoo 360, a leading antivirus software developer in China, said that for each copyrighted Android mobile phone app, on average there are 92.7 pirated versions. They take advantage of real ones to send advertisements or steal data.国内领先的杀毒软件开发商奇虎360公布的一份报告称之为,平均值每款盗版安卓手机应用于有92.7个山寨版,它们以假乱真向用户发送到广告或盗取数据。Jiang Jian, a lawyer with Beijing Xiongzhi Law Firm, said fake apps infringe on the copyright of authentic ones and are liable for compensation, but it is difficult to identify their developers.北京雄志律师事务所的蒋健律师回应,“山寨”应用程序侵害版权,必须分担赔偿金责任,但是我们很难确认这些软件的开发者。

本文关键词:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站,半岛·体育(BOB)中国官方网站,BOB SPORTS

