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BOB SPORTS|优步拟再融资10亿美元 将成估值最高初创公司

作者:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站时间:2024-09-21 23:05 次浏览


Just three months after raising an enormous sum of money from investors, Uber is at it again.三个月前刚刚从投资者那里筹措到一大笔钱的优步(Uber)又要融资...

本文摘要:Just three months after raising an enormous sum of money from investors, Uber is at it again.三个月前刚刚从投资者那里筹措到一大笔钱的优步(Uber)又要融资了。

Just three months after raising an enormous sum of money from investors, Uber is at it again.三个月前刚刚从投资者那里筹措到一大笔钱的优步(Uber)又要融资了。The ride-hailing service is planning to raise close to $1 billion in new venture capital from investors, according to people with knowledge of the matter. Investors are looking at a valuation of $60 billion to $70 billion.知情人士称之为,这家叫车服务公司计划从投资者那里筹措近10亿美元风险投资。

投资者预期该公司的估值在600亿美元到700亿美元之间。Such a fundraising round would make Uber the worlds most valuable private startup by far. A round just this summer valued the company at more than $50 billion, a bit more than Facebooks last big private capital raise in 2011.这样一轮融资不会让优步沦为目前世界上估值最低的初创公司。今年夏天那一轮融资对该公司的估值是500多亿美元,略高于Facebook上市前在2011年展开的最后一轮融资中的估值。

Nearly as eye-popping as its soaring valuations has been the furious pace at which Uber has been raising money. The latest round of financing will be the eighth that the company has sought over the last five years.完全和日益攀升的估值某种程度更有眼球的,是优步的融资步伐。近期一轮融资将是该公司在五年时间里的第八次融资。

More precise targets on the size and the valuations will be determined after the company begins talks with investors in coming weeks, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Executives at Uber and the companys board have approved another round, and the company plans to start holding official conversations in the next few weeks, they said.拒绝电子邮件的消息人士称之为,有关融资规模和公司估值的精确目标,接下来几周该公司与投资者开始谈判后,才能确认下来。他们回应,优步的高管和公司董事会早已批准后展开另一轮融资,公司计划在未来几周月开始对话。

An Uber spokeswoman declined to comment Friday.周五,优步的一名女发言人拒绝接受置评。While Facebooks last big fundraising round took place a year before the social network went public, Travis Kalanick, Ubers founder and chief executive, has little interest in going public in the near future.尽管Facebook最后一轮大规模融资完结一年后,这家社交网络公司之后上市了,但优步创始人兼任首席执行官兹拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)对于在近期内上市完全没什么兴趣。“Were like eighth-graders. Were in junior high and someone is telling us that we need to go to the prom, and its just a little early,” Kalanick said at The Wall Street Journals WSJDLive Conference in Laguna Beach, California, on Tuesday. “Let us get into high school before we start talking about these sorts of things.”“我们就像八年级学生。我们刚上初中,就有人对我们说道,要参与毕业舞会,觉得有点早于,”卡兰尼克周二在《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)在加州拉古纳海滩举行的WSJDLive全球科技大会上说道。

“我们还是先上了高中再行讲这些事情吧。”Founded in San Francisco in 2009, Uber has swollen to operations in more than 300 cities across 63 countries around the globe.2009年正式成立于旧金山的优步,业务已遍布全球63个国家的300多个城市。Throughout Ubers rapid expansion, investors have poured money into the company at a staggering rate. To date, the company has raised more than $8 billion from investors including Benchmark and Google Ventures, as well as large financial firms like Goldman Sachs and TPG Growth.在优步的较慢扩展中,投资者大笔投钱的速度令人震惊。迄今为止,该公司已筹措了逾80亿美元,投资者还包括Benchmark和谷歌风投(Google Ventures),以及高盛(Goldman Sachs)和TPG Growth等大型金融机构。

本文关键词:BOB半岛·(中国)官方网站,半岛·体育(BOB)中国官方网站,BOB SPORTS

